Showing posts from February, 2023
Project 1: Animal Testing- New Rabbit Poster (Development)
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Project 1- Animal Testing: Make-up Smudges
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I have experimented with making marks with makeup- such as mascara and lipstick. I have done this because they marks are going to be used as backgrounds for my posters. I think that mark makings in the background will work well with my illustrations because these marks will be subtle and not distracting viewers away from the posters main illustrations.
Mini Project: James and the Giant Peach- Chapters 18 & 19 Sketches
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Mini Project: Existing James and the Giant Peach Book Covers
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References: Dahl (2016) James and the Giant Peach ( Colour Edition) Available at: (Accessed: 22nd February 2023) Harvey James and the Giant Peach Book Cover Available at: (Accessed: 22nd February 2023) Knott James and the Giant Peach Available at: (Accessed: 22nd February 2023)
Project 2: Addressing Autism- New Ideas
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I have started to think about new possible ideas for my addressing autism project because I want to find the right approach so I can clearly communicate what I'm trying to say about this topic. I want to raise awareness about autism and how young girls, maybe teens or students, and how they are starting to tackle day to day tasks such as painting a job, friendships and a relationship. I will use all of my research that I have found. My New Ideas are: 1.) To create a storyboard or an animated shorts that relate to each day to day task and how someone with autism might find this tasks challenging. 2.) To create more characters that can support the main character- such as family and friends. 3.) GIFs could be easier and quicker to make.
Project 2: Addressing Autism- Maintaining Friendships Research
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I have continued my research for project 2 so that I could learn about how autistic people handle making friends, how they keep these connection and how they may find it challenging. For this research, I have used a website article. The website lists different reasons on why maintaining these friendships may be a struggle for those with autism. The reasons listed on this website are: 1.) Someone with autism may not know how to words things based on what they mean, they may not know what to say. 2.) They can struggle analysing and understanding other peoples' body language. Such as gestures and facial expressions. 3.) Social situations can lead to someone with autism feeling anxious. 4.) Compromising and adjusting to change such as altering their routine can be stressful. 5.) They can low self-esteem and not feel confident in their own abilities. 6.) They can struggle with forgetting about negative past experiences. This is because they may feel that t...
Mini Project: James and the Giant Peach- Chapter 14 and 15 Illustrations
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Mini Project: James and the Giant Peach- James Character Design
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Mini Project: James and the Giant Peach- Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker Character Designs
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Whilst reading James and the Giant Peach, I have been making character sheets of the characters from the book. I have relied on how Roald Dahl describes the characters so that I can create these characters in my own drawing style. The two images above are character drawings of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker. I think that these drawings match with their description but I don't think I'll be using these designs for my book cover. For my book cover design, I will need to focus on creating illustrations of James.
Mini Project: James and The Giant Peach- Insect Character Designs
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Project 3- Benefits of Walking: Posters 2 & 3 Thumbnails:
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I have started to think about how my illustrations could be presented for the degree show. My first idea is the create a set of posters. Each poster would link to a fact about why waking is important and how it is good for your health. My designs have changed now as I have experimented with the scale of the characters and made them larger, just like the proportions from my statement poster. I am thinking about keeping this idea because I want to show how walking is important. I need to think about other ways my work could be presented as I'm not too sure if I'll continue with the posters as I have made posters for my first project.
Project 3: Information Leaflet Research:
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As I want to make my own leaflet that shows the health benefits of walking, I have researched existing information leaflet that contain illustrations. The leaflets presented within the image above were made by a biologist and medical illustrator named Irene Cecile. She has talked about work and discussed the advantages of having illustrations within medical/ health leaflets. within this article, she has said " I like good visual communication. Beautiful products that communicate clearly and convey information with the help of illustrations." Advantages of illustrated medical leaflet or infographic: -Clear information and illustrations that helps people to understand and remember medical information. - Patients have a better understanding of their diagnosis and their treatment advice. -Illustrated leaflets that look professional are useful because they can be handed out for patients to keep. -Illustrations within these leaflets are beneficial as they can visually commun...
Project 2- Addressing Autism: Autism and dating Designs
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Project 3- The Benefits of Walking:
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As I'm developing my ideas for my third project, I have now started to make illustrations that link to the facts that I have discovered through my research. The three facts that I have chosen here are: - Listening to music whilst walking can be motivating and ca help you to walk quicker. - It is a good idea to walk through different settings such the city or the countryside. - Walking your child to school can be a beneficial on improving both the parents and child's health. I think that these illustrations are successful because the link back to my research. Also, these illustrations do not have one main target audience as it focuses on health benefits for teenagers/ young adults, adults and children. For the next stages of my work, I now need to think about how my ideas/ illustrations could be presented for my final outcome.
Project 2- Addressing Autism: Autism and dating/ relationship Research:
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As I have previously been focusing on camouflaging and how people with autism use this technique to maintain relationships, I thought that I would do some more research and I have found articles that talk about the possible challenges that a autistic person may face when dating or being in a relationship. The first article that I have discovered is called 'Autism Dating: An Honest Dating Guide for Autistic People.' The article contains information about why and how it may be challenging for an autistic person to date. The article states how "people on the autistic spectrum often misread body language, lack scripting and appropriate skills to initiate relationships, and cannot always communicate what is on their minds." The article continues to highlight certain elements/ situations that may cause someone with autism to struggle with dating. For example, "activities like speed dating can cause an individuals sensory system to overreact. This could be due to pot...
Project 3- Research:
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For my third project, I'm thinking about creating a leaflet that visually communicates the benefits of walking and how we should rely less on vehicles. Before making designs, I have gathered together some research that can go alongside the illustrations. Also, I have made sure that this research is from websites that will give me factual and accurate information. I have used the NHS website for my research as there are multiple articles that link to walking and how it be healthy. These articles are encouraging readers to walk more and use vehicles less. The first article states factors of walking. The health benefits are: - It improves sleep patterns -Reduces stress -Reduces your blood pressure -Helps manage your weight - Improves energy levels Articles also suggests to the reader on how walking can improve their community by joining a walking group. This gives people the opportunity to socialise with others of all ages and backgrounds. Listening to ...