Project 3: Information Leaflet Research:
As I want to make my own leaflet that shows the health benefits of walking, I have researched existing information leaflet that contain illustrations. The leaflets presented within the image above were made by a biologist and medical illustrator named Irene Cecile. She has talked about work and discussed the advantages of having illustrations within medical/ health leaflets.
within this article, she has said " I like good visual communication. Beautiful products that communicate clearly and convey information with the help of illustrations."
Advantages of illustrated medical leaflet or infographic:
-Clear information and illustrations that helps people to understand and remember medical information.
- Patients have a better understanding of their diagnosis and their treatment advice.
-Illustrated leaflets that look professional are useful because they can be handed out for patients to keep.
-Illustrations within these leaflets are beneficial as they can visually communicate to patients who struggle with reading.
- Patients will better understand the implications of the choices made.
For the next stages of my work, I'm going to gather together more visual examples of medical/infographic leaflets and use all of my research to inspire my own leaflet design.
Irene Cécile
Illustrated information leaflets and illustrations for the medical sector
Available at:
(Accessed: 31st January 2023)
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